Thursday 25 February 2016

Embraer Adds Wingspan, Range to E195 E2

The E195 E2 will gain 1.4 meters (4.6 feet) of wingspan and up to 450 nautical miles of range, Embraer announced Wednesday, as press, clients, suppliers and employees gathered for the February 25 rollout of the first of the revamped E-Jets, the E190 E2.
“Aircraft decisions are long-term decisions, and the E2 is much more than just fuel reduction,” Embraer senior vice president Luis Carlos Affonso told reporters at the Brazilian airframer's São José dos Campos headquarters.

An increase of 16 percent to 23 percent in fuel efficiency means that the same fuselage and the same fuel tanks can either carry more passengers, or carry them farther. In replacing the four models of the current E-Jet family with the three E2 models while satisfying a growing appetite for capacity, Embraer maintained the size of the 190 but added three rows of seats to the 195. Now, it has increased the 195 E2’s maximum takeoff weight by 2 metric tons and range at sea level from 2,000 to 2,450 nautical miles.

The original plan had involved two models of wing—one for the E175 E2 and the other for the E190/195 E2—using new automated technology on the same robotic station. Affonso announced, however, that adding to the wingtip for the E195 E2, thereby increasing the wingspan to 35.1 meters, will allow increased range, especially on runways with limitations. “You don't take off in a hot and high scenario with a full tank,” he observed, but the added wing would increase range from 250- to 290 nautical miles depending on conditions. For example, the new wing would add 250 nautical miles to the previous 1,700 nautical mile range from Denver.

The E2 family wing, as seen in the assembly hangar where the second and third E190 prototypes have already progressed considerably, features an arching curve that suggests the wing of a gull. “Aerodynamic design has evolved at Embraer,” said Affonso. “We believe that the most efficient design is without winglets, and that increasing the wingspan in the best way to increase efficiency.” Despite the relatively recent decision to change the wing, Affonso said Embraer will incorporate the new design into the first 195E2that flies.

(Culled from

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